
API Monitoring

Logic checks allow you to automatically perform tests that execute multiple linked requests. Perfect to test your API or other transactional tools.

Creating a new check

  1. Click the “+ Add Check” button and choose “Logic”.
  2. Add your first step in the transaction. The first one would always be a request.
  3. Enter the URL and any optional settings.
  4. Add any followup requests or other steps.

Adding an logic check

Setting up a step

Compared to an uptime check, a logic check can be configured more extensively. The following paragraphs will walk you through all settings.

Types of Steps


The most used step. Execute a HTTP request to your server.


Pause the transaction for a specified number of seconds.


Condition steps are blocks of steps only executed when a specific condition is met. You can do this by saving a value from your requests into a variable and do a comparison on it.

Requests or other steps which needs to be performed when the condition is met are simply added within the conditional block.

Request Options

The request options tab enables you to choose all HTTP verbs, add custom headers, basis authentication or a request body. The variables block allows you to inject variables into any of these settings.

Request Options


Assertions define the criteria under which the step is considered to be valid. By default, a request will be considered valid when the HTTP code is equal to 200. You can add and remove assertions as you wish. Bolstat allows you to check the (JSON) Body, Headers and HTTP code.



Variables can be extracted from the Body, Headers or Status code of the HTTP request. These variables are saved in the session and can be used in subsequent requests or steps.
